Billiards with a vest and bow tie?

Billiards with a vest and bow tie?

All billiard players (billiards) presume to practice a noble, elegant and gentlemanly sport. All billiard players want the championships out more on newspapers and TVs. All billiard players demand respect for this game. Perhaps all this would be easier if we play with vest and bow tie. Do not you think?

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Billar Con Chaleco

By David Muñoz

If you fancy snooker, these days you ‘ll be hooked to the legendary World Snooker Championship which takes place every year in Sheffield, England. I love the game and, above all, the elegance of those who practice it . Glad to see the pros play in suit, shirt, vest and bow tie. It is very professional.

But not only occurs in the snooker table and large colored balls. They also play with vest and bow tie the billiard players of blackball (in Spain also known as Pool51) or carom. Bravo for them because they have known how to respect the elegance of their respective disciplines.

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And in the American pool? I fear for billiard smooth and striped, vest and bow tie were stored in the closet for years. In the 80s and 90s the pool billiard players also wore as they do today snooker, super stylish. But that tradition was lost and now most major championships is the official clothing + black polo pants. Which it is fine, but not as much as vest and bow tie.

This leads to endless debate, but I think you’ll agree with me on this: for a viewer who has no idea what this is snooker, see the players in evening dress gives you an image of professionalism, elegance and nobility It does not give a simple pole. Even the pole of the World Pool Masters. Only to convey this positive image to the outside and it would be a good idea to model clothing implantáramos snooker, the blackball or carom.

For many billiard players Billiards is something sacred, much more than just a passion, something that deeply respected. The best way to demonstrate that level of respect, is to dress up to practice what they love. So I love that in every championship, all get dressed suit, vest and bow tie, instead of sweatpants. While, yes, it is clear that respect is not only demonstrated in the dress but in the attitude on the table.

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Outside the strictly professional field, each region has its own characteristics. In the US, for example, it is customary in many championships playing in street clothes, no more. I get to convince Americans of the benefits of billiard players bowtie dress will be somewhat complicated.

And you, what do you think this play championships suit, shirt, vest and bow tie? Would you like a touch of elegance or would you rather continue wearing polo? I hope your impressions in the comments?

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