8 books that every billiard player should read

8 That every billiard player books should read

In summer the pool competitions decrease the intensity, so the dip and dip is a good time to refresh knowledge with previous billiards literature. Practice is essential, but a theoretical basis one billiardist is limited. So in today’s article we highlight some of the best books on billiards (four in Spanish and four in English) so that in September you can give more war.

Books Pool

By David Muñoz

1 American pool

The Catalan player Marc Vilaplana offers a comprehensive guide to the fundamentals, technique and tactics of American Pool. How to aim, how to move white or how to play with the effects are some of the key themes of the book.

2- Pool: effect and affection

The mestre Valerià Parera was that, a true master. One of the many contributions he made to the pool this book has been designed for those seeking to improve their technique in the form of caroms.

3- Pool three bands

Another good book facing three – cushion billiards, written in this case by the player and coach José María Quetglas . It offers training programs and routines for both billiard players that start and those who are advanced.

4- Zen Pool (English )

A great opportunity to learn from a professional pool player, the American Max Eberle . The book brings together best articles on billiards, devel mental aspect of the game and explains how he came to live in this sport.

5- The pool is not vague

Ideal for those curious billiard players who are always thinking about the principles of physics or mathematics applied billiards. This is a book by Carlo Bosch bringing together science, play and fun.

6 Pool & Billiards (English )

How could it be otherwise, there is a pool for Dummies: Pool & Billiards. Although the level is pretty basic, it can be an interesting book because it is very well structured and touches all branches of the sport.

7 – The 99 Critical Shots in Pool (English)

A very old book (1993) but no longer useful. Former world champion Ray Martin gives us the keys to not miss those critical and typical shots that will give us a lot of games.

8- Interesting: My Autobiography (Steve Davis) (English)

If you are tired of so much technical and prefer other previous billiards reading the recently published biography of world champion Steve Davis is a good choice. You will discover as forged this living legend of snooker.

You know, reading pool without neglecting practice. Do not forget to write in the comments that the most useful billiard books have been you.

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