The 5 noblest aspects of billiards

The 5 noblest aspects of billiards

The pool (competition) has a number of features that make it one of the noblest sport the world. That’s the main reason why I still love the game. Today we will look at five examples of honesty that repeat fortunately every game. Are these:

5 Noblest Aspects Of Pool

By David Muñoz

1- greeting

It is sacred. No greeting (hand shock) can not begin nor end the match. These are for me two of the most special moments of the meeting. And what we say in greeting? Some people wish luck, other “good game” and others simply nod hold word. Anyway, the important thing is shaking hands before the battle. And finally, of course.

2- The applause

There are not many sports where a good rival’s be praised. Billiards, luckily, is one of them. There are many symbolic gestures (finger snap, chalk arrow, arrow in the band) with which we can pass a great shot or a super defense. They do not all billiard players , but many. The applause is another jewel of the pool that we should protect.

3- Apologies

Apologize when they had some luck. Nor is often the case in competitive sports environments. “Fuck,” some will think when you let your opponent bad shot unintentionally. I prefer to be honest and apologize because it was not my intention. And because I like the rival also did if it had happened the other way around.

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4- The Invisible missing

There are details of the game that go completely unnoticed. One is the typical need to commit to playing a ball slightly without the rival, nor anyone noticing. If the billiardist honest, I sing the missing. If not, the longui will (and bear the chorrado in his conscience the rest of the game). Even if it means losing the game because he has only three balls on the table, singing the invisible fault is, for me, something sacred.

5- Respect

And I mean that we respect the turn rival. How? Silent, keeping as still as possible. And sitting down, please sit. When I’m at the table very much appreciate the respect of rival to me, for example, which is pending in the game and not the Whatsapp. So I try to be respectful to the maximum when it is he who is playing.

So far 5 noblest aspects of billiards. Clearly, there is always the wise guy passed by lining these unwritten rules, it will inevitably happen in all sports. But overall I think most of billiard players competing in tournaments approve a test of honesty.

You know, to be a top billiard player not only to master the technique and know how good shots, you also have to respect the opponent and, above all, the game. I invite you to do, always. You’ll see how it helps you attract positive results and good dynamics.

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Can you think of some other feature that makes this sport billiard noble? Share it in the comments?

PD: Photo of Shaun Murphy is no accident. In addition to a super billiard player Snooker is a great gentleman on the table. An example to follow.

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