The 6 enemies of the billiard player (II)

The 6 enemies of the billiard player (II)

Last week we saw 6 billiard villains that make life impossible for spiderman, the billiard player . As we move into the post (take a look here if you did not see), there are many more enemies, so today we will see the second part of the saga. Ready to annihilate those billiard villains? Here we go.

Enemigos Billarista 2

By David Muñoz

1. Complaints

More than a villain, complaints are a virus. The more you deny, the more it escampa throughout the body. And there comes a time that is uncontrollable. Complain, deny or tantrum for failing a ball or lose a game is a great enemy. It keeps us in a state of negativity influences our game and keeps us perform at their best. Trick to not complain? All champions fail, because failure is part of success.

Related article: The most fatal flaws professional billiard players

2. The defeats

“David, defeat is not an enemy, are a bitch”, you tell me. And yes, you’re right. But we must see the positive side of that bitch, that there always is. If for you lose is a resounding failure or a major disaster, sorry but here we have a great villain who will take pity on you every championship (because, unless you’re a super top, in each tournament will lose at least once) . The defeats are clues that help us find ways to improve, give us clues about what we are not doing well and therefore we have to correct. Defeats, mind you, help us. Become friends with them.

3. Dynamic

I do not like the concept luck. That’s why I talk about dynamic, good and bad. Good dynamic is that ball kick goals in a painful kick, you favor the trucs, make the ball fall peak peak but that white is left hanging by a thread in the pocket and a long list of favorable situations. And the negative dynamics? Exactly the same, but in reverse. Sometimes we are on the crest of the wave (positive dynamics, all in) and sometimes drinking water under it (negative dynamic, everything goes wrong). The trick is to enjoy both the way in, trying to lengthen the most of the first and second cope very well.

Related article: 30 mantras billiard

4. Nerves 

Everyone sees the nerves as a great enemy, as something bad, something that hurts us because we disturbed, causing us anxiety and makes us fail. Partly yes, but nerves can also be our best friend for several reasons:

    1. Be unnerved by an unexpected situation or pressure is normal

    2. Being nervous it proves that what we do matters

    3. Being nervous puts us in a state of alert and supermotivación that allows us to get the best version.

5. Waits

Manage good breaks and waiting between games is very difficult. Thus, they can be your greatest enemy. Not to saturate pool, it is best that after your party leave the club where the championship is held to take the air or stretch your legs. A brief analysis of how was your last game, a little motivating musiquita and when the next game comes will be more than motivated.

6. And the last is again …

Oneself. Yes, complaints, losses, dynamic, nerves and waits are also enemies who depend on you and your attitude. Depending on how these factors efforts, the villains still grow or, on the contrary (what we want) become heroes fighting in your favor.

I hope you now easier to get rid of them ?If so, tell us your experience in the comments!

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