The 10 best 3-billiard tacadas

The 10 best 3-billiard tacadas

We continue with the series of articles on great moments in the history of billiards. And was the turn of Pool and Snooker , so today we talk about the most known carom billiard mode: the three bands. You will not be a total billiardist until you have not seen and these 10 Stratospheric tacadas Magazine.

Frederic Caudron

By David Muñoz

 1- Roland Forthomme, 28 (Dutch League, 2012)

28 entries in one fell swoop. In 2012 the Belgian player Roland Forthome equaled the world record for caroms three bands achieved by Junichi Komori in 1993 and Raymond Ceulemans in 1998. No one has passed, but in 2013 Frederic Caudron managed to match him again.

2- Dick Jaspers, 22 and 10 (Championship of France, 2011)

Typically two inputs 22 and 10 caroms, you win the game. Dick Jaspers but it was not enough. Opposite was the great Frederic Caudron, who finished 50 caroms in 13 innings.

3- Torbjorn Blomdahl, 42 in three inputs (Agipi Billiard Masters, 2012)

Formidable game Torbjorn Blomdahl Swedish player, who scored 42 entries in only 3 innings. With a run of 20, another 9 and a 13 he defeated Korean Sung Won Choi in the semifinals of the Masters 2012 Agipi Billiard.

4- Semih Sayginer, 20 (Daikin 3C League, 2015)

Great run of 20 caroms Turkish Semih Sayginer. Mr. Magic was achieved in April 2015 in Istanbul Max Bilardo, Daikin disputing the league.

5- Frederic Caudron, 25-0 in 4 inputs (Million Dollar Billiards, 2014)

Belgian Frederic Caudron display that endorses a 25-0 Korean Kim Jun Ho in just 4 innings. That is, an average of 6.25.

6- Dick Jaspers, 20 (World Games, 2009)

Down 26-18 in the semifinal of the World Games and Jaspers achieved a run of 20 caroms to come back and take the match against Dani Sánchez.

7- Marco Zanetti, 40 to 8 inputs (Austrian National Teams League, 2012)

Italian Marco Zanetti ended the match in 8 innings with an average of 5.25. But is his best finish in 6, as achieved in 2014 in a match against Fasciana.

8- Torbjorn Blomdahl, 21 2 inputs (Carom Café, 2012)

Another great tacada Swedish Blomdahl at the legendary Carom Cafe Billiards in New York. 21 caroms on two inputs to lead the meeting.

9- Sang Lee, 14 (SL Billiards New York, 1994)

It is not the highest tacadas who have been but especially for one of the carambola it contains. Massé eye with Sang Lee (6:45 minute) to continue the streak. Before this tacada the Korean lost 31-15 against Sayginer.

10- Dani Sánchez, 21 (Lausanne Billiard Masters, 2014)

We end this compilation of mythical tacadas with 21 caroms followed the great Dani Sánchez. It was the highest in the Lausanne Billiard Masters last year ‘s tournament where he finished third.

What do you have like these 10 tacadas pool 3 bands? Would you add any more? Write it in the comments.

If you missed the previous articles in this series, you can see here the 10 games of Pool Historical and here the 10 mythical frames of Snooker.

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