Get to know better … Mauro Vivas

Get to know better … Mauro Vivas

We begin a new section in our blog dedicated to better understand the experiences of billiard players. As we first invited Mauro Vivas, Argentine player who lives in Spain

– is your love for billiards Since when? 

In 1982 my father rode a pool hall in Buenos Aires.  There already a liking me. They even gave me a table for home with wooden balls’ !! It was terrible, but spent great time playing, alternating with football. I do not know what would happen to that table over time. When my father left the room, I stopped playing until they opened a billiard club in Torremolinos, where I studied and trained (football). Slowly we begin to stop there … And every time I was getting myself more in the scene … until I became my life … 

– What do you most passionate about this sport?

 All. The feeling of finishing a series. Perfect satisfaction calculation to throw a ball several bands. The strategy. The fact of “knowing” that you will not fail. Healthy environment surrounding this world, against the “infamous” we have, largely because of the film. I can not say there’s anything snooker I do not like.

 – What are the ways you practice?

 For all of portholes. Especially 8-Ball, 9, 10 and ball 14.1. Sometimes I play some carambola (free and 3 bands), and very occasionally I miss him value to the snooker table.

 – What brand taco you usually play? Would you would you change to another?

I have spent many years competing, and I’ve played with many brands. Right now match the model A-60 Universal .. I am very happy with its performance. It is a taco that has surprised me a lot. I did not have much confidence in this brand, relatively new, but David Alcaide told me they were going very well, and decided to try. It is a very well balanced plug, has a strong and elastic stroke. No need to print hard for you what you demand him. I am very satisfied with the cue.

What if I change it to another? As one always has “taco of your dreams”. That unattainable taco (mostly for economic reasons). Mine is a McWorter “Half Point”, valued at approximately € 5000. I am passionate about pool cues, and I have several in mind that I would have, but the economy sends, and there are other priority spending. At the moment I’m very happy with my Universal …

– How often do you play every week? Do you think it is enough to improve your game?

For I am of those who never have enough. I’m playing two days a week, which is what allows me to work. Enough to improve my level? Well it is not. But the problem is not just for playing time, but because of the lack of competition. Where I play most are not very experienced players, and most of the time, allow you 2 and 3 inputs, which play relaxed and allow yourself to things you would not do playing with someone that you know that if you fail not let you lift chair again. missing requirement. an elite player to squeeze me nuts occasionally missing. So whenever I can I go out to compete outside to measure myself against other players, and if possible, more level than me. This is how the level is improved.

– What club you play normally? Do you think it is well conditioned for playing pool?

Unfortunately here there is a billiards club itself. Play in a kind of “rock”, mounted by the owner of an old club, in which we meet once or twice a week. And playing in a pub, called “La Perla Negra” in which there is a growing hobby billiards.

I’m not very picky when choosing the site while playing material (read the table) is in perfect condition. If I would, for example, that people take into account that we’re playing, we’re playing a sport that requires a lot of attention and concentration, and be a little more respectful, especially with the cries and noises.

He would be perfect place with enough space between tables to not clogged, dim but adequate ambient lighting, good lighting table (especially under the bands, which is where most fail), soft music, such blues or jazz without fanfare , or otherwise, without music (and says an inveterate music lover!)

– What do you think they should do billiard clubs to attract more players?

Today it is difficult. The crisis tightens, but how to attract people is that players with a certain level, not close, and teach what they know to the people who come and cares. Clarify the doubts of the newest. When you have a few rookies, encourage them to compete. The competition engages. Beginners organize tournaments and the prize is a taco. That will make him earn it wants to use …

Reasonable prices, players with similar level to be measured, players level to look at, good material, and assiduously competition. I think those are the requirements to attract new players. But above all, it is the new that has to be interested to learn and excel.

What has been your best game or tournament?

Bufff … Imagine, in 20 years there are plenty of them … I remember a final in Malaga against Antonio Gómez. Final 5 games won. We played the tap, win … Saco, make series. Saco, … I series. and so on until 5. I won that final by 5 to 0 without letting my opponent got up from the chair. An indescribable feeling!

Another memory that I keep, was a summer in Malaga, around 90 … Training with a whole Carlos Cabello. We played a set, I won 7 to 2 … We started the second, and when put 9 to get 5 to 0, Carlos removed the taco, and tells me “Go and go to c …… garlic, c … tell you when. ñ you learn to play like “… we are a laugh and there came to training that day … I could fill whole games, tournaments and anecdotes books … and those to come!

– Have you always had confidence in your game or, on the contrary, we have entered moments of doubt?

I am aware of my level. I think I can beat anyone on a good day, and I can lose to anyone on a bad day, but always trust what I do. I have been football goalkeeper since … since I can remember. And it is a position that requires a lot of responsibility and have a lot of self confidence. So what transfer pool, and suppose that’s what makes me sure of what I do. Do what you think is right. Be good or be bad, do it, but only if you’re sure to do so. If you throw in doubt, it’s likely you fail.

– Have you had the opportunity to compete outside Spain?

I am Argentine, and as I said before, I started playing in my country, so, yeah, I played outside Spain.

 – What is the player that you look to try to improve your game?

Spend a lot of time watching videos of billiards. I could not name just one player. If I had to be the perfect player would be a compendium of:

⁃ Inventiveness and imagination of Efren Reyes 

⁃ Patience and strategy Ralf Souquet

⁃ Quality coup Corey Deuel and Francisco Bustamante

⁃ Risk and self-confidence of Francisco Diaz “Pakito”

⁃ The professionalism and knowledge to be of David Alcaide

⁃ The “I do look easy” Shane Van Boening

– Tell us a story that has happened playing pool

Once I got a completely unlikely ball. Having retruques, counter -effects , laying (all previously announced) and a large dose of luck … When he came in , I told my opponent … “I just put the best ball of my life” … He looked at me and told me … ” and the world, cab … .on !!! “… We laughed, and that was that …

Hours later, making sparring for an elite player was going to Las Vegas, I told the move, and said: “If you do that, I take off my underwear and I walk around the local balls” and I urge you to throw … it was not my desire to see this guy in chopped ball, but there ‘s nothing worse than telling someone “do not have … to do this …” to do it … I placed the balls in the same situation, I wrote, I threw it , and do not know whether to say I was lucky or unlucky. Bad luck because when the ball again went to the porthole, a little fall prevented entered … with what “I lost the challenge” … But believe me I was very lucky, that should not be a very rewarding experience to see that character in underclothes

– How do you see the health of the sport in Spain today?

 Well, judging by international results lately, the state is unbeatable …

⁃ Francisco Diaz “Pakito” European champions.

⁃ Spain, European champion

⁃ David Alcaide, World Champion Grand Master

⁃ Juan Carlos Exposito, vice world champion Grand Master

⁃ Carlos Belmonte, Amateur World Champion

⁃ Francisco Sanchez, Junior World Champion

Those are some of the latest and most notorious achievements, but there are many players who are doing great roles internationally. In spite of the crisis, the pool is more alive than ever!

– Why do you think has lowered the participation of players in national tournaments?

Simple: money. Displacements are expensive, hotels are not cheap and the crisis does not help. Now the player has the same desire to compete as before, but on the economy has become much more selective. Instead of playing 20 tournaments a year, it plays eight well-chosen, which will not affect both the pocket. When Spain out of this mess and get things back to normal, the player will compete as usual. Already you will see it!

– Where do you think you can be the solution?

A solution? Cheapen because enrollments increase tournaments and counting prizes sponsors. For example, a club can talk to their suppliers, and “them out” a little Coca Cola, a little to the beer, as much to potatoes, etc etc … and thus get extra money to add to the awards , cheapening the inscriptions. Or innovate putting “extra” awards. For example, the “Coca Cola prize” Euro X, the player who makes more series. We must draw on imagination, and copying good ideas.

– Why do you think that in Spain the pool is not a very attractive sport for the media?

I think because there is no competition nationwide them attractive. And, what is, it has not been released correctly. The Federation is not far from what it should be, because it only handles caroms, leaving the pool under a private entity. I do not think it an attractive situation for strings, which lost a great show.

There would be a solution. I have long had a billiard room, and I had trouble reaching an agreement with local television station to broadcast tournaments and league (which did not materialize, as the owner of the room, change Billiards a nightclub … so he was!). When a club organizes a tournament, it could offer it to the local chains (which always need material and are receptive), which makes potential sponsors of the area are encouraged and contribute something … Maybe with time you can qualify for a bigger chain , such as the regional and, if successful (I’m sure he would), large chains, alone, would be interested in our events.

As for the press, I think it is shameful that not echo the feats of our players in international tournaments are made.

– What would you say to young people so that he was encouraged to practice?

Because the pool is a healthy sport. Develops the mind and coordination. The Federation is authorized to conduct doping controls, so that while the kid is stuck in the pool, will not be out there doing “other things” (That would tell parents, hehe).

The kid who comes to this world would tell you will not regret it . Many people know, traveling. The competition is clean. In 99% of cases the maxim “is a gentleman ‘s sport” is true. It is a game that, far from being just “push balls” hooked. When you start, you see the players so far that seems impossible to play well, but eventually you get to acquire certain level (not without effort and dedication), and the feeling of playing face to face (and occasionally win ) elite players, it’s amazing …

Must be taken into account, making comparison with football, David Alcaide, Pakito, Hair and those players, equivalent to Casillas, Iniesta and Villa of football … and here we have the possibility not only see them, but to play directly against them. What , other sport offers such a possibility? Sometimes it seems incredible things that can be done with a stick and a few balls. (as an example, you can see on Youtube, videos Venom Shot Trich). 

– Is there anything you’d like to add …

Well thank Poolmania and its creators, Diego and Javier, to open another door to pool Spanish players. An initiative that, over time, we will provide players access to all the information pool in Spain.

Regards, and … see you at the table!

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