How to clean the pool cue

How to clean the pool cue

Keep the pool cue in perfect condition is vital to make the most of each game. There billiard players who care so lovingly as if it were a baby and others would not be able to remember the last time you cleaned the arrow. Whether you are part of careful course, today you will discover some tricks that can get you well to keep your taco always like new.

How To Clean The Pool Cue

Before and after cleaning an arrow 314-3 with Undo

By David Muñoz

1- Clean arrow

As you play the arrow is taking a dark blue tone due to dirt or debris hand chalk.

It is best to clean it every so often rubbed with a thin, slightly damp cloth . It can be with a little water or, better yet, applying special products to clean arrows. I have used both Undo and Cue Doctor and with both the arrow returns to its original tone. It is important not bring alcohol or other substances that can damage the wood.

Take the cloth, then take a few drops of the product and rub the arrow a couple of minutes. Fast but without excessive pressure. At the end you will see that all that dirt is impregnated into the cloth and the arrow disappears. Depending on how much or little you play, you can clean it once a week or every month .

2- Cleaning cap

Does it anger when he turns blue, eh? And if you do not act in time, there is no way to recover the nuclear target of the first day. The cap becomes dirty very fast since it chalk particles detached each time the sole entizamos deposited. There are several options for cleaning:

  1. With the same system as we have explained in cleaning arrow
  2. With toothpaste (I have not tried, but there billiard players to recommend here )
  3. With a little Mr. Clean or similar soap.

It is the best you have the habit of cleaning the cap often even after each day of play. So it will be easier to maintain the natural white.

3- Clean the soleplate

More than dirtying the sole deteriorates over time, suffers miscues, lose hair, etc. It is super important to keep it in good condition because it is the part that impacts directly on the white ball, we must provide control.

It is highly recommended to always carry the taquera a multipurpose tool like the Summa , which lets you scratch the sole rebajarle edges or compressing it .

More useful tools for proper preservation of the sole:

  • Blue Spike : it has sharp points that allow subtly holing the sole to hold chalk better and provide a better grip.
  • Lija Kamui : to renew the surface of the sole or cleaning after making a blunder.
  • Ball Teck cutter : with this tool 3 in 1 sole change becomes much easier.

If you play and compete a lot, it is advisable to change the sole about every 5 months.

Maintaining cue is highly subjective that it depends on the billiardist, weather conditions (humidity, temperature …) and game equipment. I hope this post you can help keep your intact tacos. If so, share it with your friends billiard players?

Do you know more tricks to clean the taco? I hope in the comments!

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